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10+ Bedroom hotel for sale in Beruwala for Rs. 195 million

9919 sq.ft.
Rs. 195,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
9919 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 19,659

Property Details

#Location: Situated in the serene setting of Hettimulla, Beruwala, this remarkable property spans across 62 perches of land, offering a tranquil retreat along the picturesque Bentota River.


*Ayurvedic Hotel / Restaurant: This property is designed to cater to the holistic wellness experience, featuring an Ayurvedic hotel and restaurant.

*Multiple Buildings: Comprising two main buildings, an office and garage building, a staff dining building, and a summer hut (garden pavilion), this property offers ample space for various functions.

*Garden & Swimming Pool: A lush garden surrounds the property, complemented by a refreshing swimming pool, creating a perfect oasis for relaxation.

*Buddhist Temple (Bodhi Tree Place): Adding to the spiritual ambiance, there's a tranquil Buddhist temple adorned with a Buddha statue, Bodhi tree, and a ritual hall.

*Main Building with Two Floors: The main building features two floors, housing reception, guest toilet, nine air-conditioned rooms with attached bathrooms, a yoga hall, and storage facilities.

*Main Building with Three Floors: Another main building boasts three floors, accommodating the hotel restaurant, kitchen, relaxing area with sunbeds, director's residence, and an Ayurveda treatment center.

*Office and Garage Building: This building includes spaces for the hotel office, manager room, and garage.

*Staff Dining Building: Providing facilities for staff dining, kitchen, and storage.

*Summer Hut (Garden Pavilion): A charming pavilion serves as a guest sitting and chill area amidst the lush greenery.

*Architectural Masterpiece: The property showcases exemplary architectural design, adding to its allure.

*Ideal Location: Strategically located, this property offers an ideal setting for a small Ayurvedic hotel, providing luxury accommodations and facilities for guests seeking rejuvenation and relaxation.

*Price: With a listing price of 195 million LKR, this property presents a unique opportunity to own a prestigious establishment in a prime location, offering a blend of luxury and tranquility.

Property Features


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Lahiru Harshana De Silva Owner
Lahiru Harshana De Silva : 94-773883547
Kasun : 94-762374823

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