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Supper Luxury Star range Egyptian Themed fully Occupying City Hotel for sale near Colombo Airport.

at Nigambo road, Seeduwa
147000 sq.ft.
Rs. 3,000,000,000  ($ 10,097,234)


Property Type
Floor area
147000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 20,408

Property Details

Supper Luxury Star range Egyptian Themed fully Occupying City Hotel for sale near Colombo Airport.

 SALE Ref H13
 Near Colombo Airport
 Presently operating and fully occupying star class hotel.
 Located Facing a main road in a beautifully surrounded over One-acre property of Luxury Egyptian Themed & Egyptian Elegant glamour Architectural designed with manicured lawns and Elegant gardens boarding a Lovely river..
 Star Range Hotel
 River Viewed Hotel
 Higher occupancy rates in all popular international booking platform
 Good star rating review response in all the popular booking platform
 Over 115 feets Main road frontage of the Hotel
 Tourist board approved.
 Liquor license approved
 Over 1 Acer Property (171.5P)
 Over 147,000 SQFT
 6 floors
 53 Luxurious rooms including (44 numbers of 350 sqft and 6 Numbers of 250 sqft Luxurious Rooms) Plus 03 Numbers of 225 sqft
 05 Banquet Hall or Conference
1 . Ground floor Banquet 5150 sqft – 250 pax
2. First floor Banquet 4150 sqft – 200 pax
3. Second floor Banquet 3250 sqft – 150 pax
4. Third floor Banquet 8000 sqft – 500 pax
5. Fourth floor Banquet 1400 sqft – 100 pax
 Two numbers of main Restaurant ( 3000 & 4000 sqft)
 05 Fully furnished & Equipped Offices & Business Centers ( 04 Numbers 3000 sqft & 01 number of 500 sqft)
 Fully equipped three main kitchens in different floors (3600 sqft, 2500 sqft & 750 sqft)
 04 Numbers of Service Area Each 600 sqft
 Large fully equipped staff Changing Area of 2000 sqft
 Provision stores area of 600 sqft
 Kids Play area of 1400 sqft
 Car park of 35000 sqft
 Including All the Egyptian themed luxury Amenities & Hotel equipment’s
 Internal Transformer of 630 KVA
 Back up generator of 800 kva + 200 KVA + 125 KVA
 Water cooling package+ VRV+ Concealed
 Underground water treatment plant of 270 sqm
 Sale Price Rs.3000 million ONO - Negotiable
 A Mart Properties |

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at Nigambo road, Seeduwa    [View on large map]

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