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Unique 50perch multi-unit property with a luxury house in Maharagama for Sale

9750 sq.ft.
Rs. 250,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
9750 sq.ft.
Area of land
50 perches
Agent Ref
ZH 119
Available Now
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Unique 50perch multi-unit property with a luxury house in Maharagama for Sale

Discover a rare opportunity to establish your institution in a thriving location. Situated on Nagahawatta Road, Maharagama. This expansive property offers a host of features perfect for your business needs. As well as can be used for residential purposes.

Key Features:

Spacious Interior: Enjoy the expansive living, dining, and kitchen areas, perfect for family gatherings.

Approx. 3500 sq. feet

Comfortable Rooms: Four well-appointed rooms with attached bathrooms.
Air-conditioned Theatre room for your ultimate comfort to experience the theatre atmosphere with Kumbuk Timber floor plus a convenient powder room.

Domestic Helper Room: A separate room with its own toilet, providing privacy and convenience for domestic help.

Solar Power: Single Phase Electricity with 5KW Solar Panels, ensuring a sustainable and cost-effective energy solutions.

Solar Hot Water: Embrace eco-friendly living with the solar hot water system.

Cement Cut Polish Floor: Durable and easy to maintain, adding a touch of sophistication to the living spaces.

Iron and Timber Staircase: A stylish combination of materials, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the home.

Picturesque Surroundings: Nestled in a serene environment, providing a peaceful retreat from the hustle city life.

Location: Conveniently located just 100m from High-Level Road, ensuring excellent visibility and accessibility.

Well-Maintained Garden: Enjoy the serenity of a properly maintained garden with lush greenery and over 20 varieties of fruit trees.

Property Features


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Khane Properties Agent
Zakir Hussain : 94-727384413

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Posted/Edited: 32 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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