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A Modern designed Luxury Villa for sale

6000 sq.ft.
Rs. 145,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
6000 sq.ft.
Area of land
47.5 perches
Available Now
Car parking spaces
Age of Building
1 year

Property Details

A Modern designed Luxury Villa , importantly well maintained uptodate. 6 large and 3 medium size bedrooms fully airconditioned with Panasonic 24000BTU inverter A/c’s. All rooms facing amazing Mountain Views,and 11 Modern bathrooms, built on 47.5 perches land, building on 6000 SQFT, large Swimming Pool ( 45*25* 4.2) in size, equipped with Jacuzzi’s, water curtains and Fibre optic lights on the pool floor, nice and clean pool deck and a changing room attached to the pool. Many lights fitted around inside and outside pool. All council approved plans and conformity certificate available. Landscaped Garden ( 6500sqft) with more than 75 lights including flash lights to play games and badminton at night, surrounded by garden lamps and parapet wall lights which brings elegancy at sunset,not forgetting to install water sprinklers imported from USA, which waters the full garden just by opening a single Tap. 5 units Solar lamps fitted in the garden which operates automatically when it’s dark without any cost. Nicely laid garden long pots with different kinds of plants makes eye soothing at all times. A children play unit with slides and a swing in the garden , fitted cement seats , also not forgetting to put up a BBQ hut with BBQ grills installed inside hut with fancy lights when in operation. The property has large living (1000)SQFT At ground floor and 500Sqft at first floor. Also it has large balconies on the first and second floors. Back yards and additional back car parkings inside property . A pantry and a wet kitchen equipped with all amenities. PEO TV connections with smart TV Good news about our Well- it gives us water free for all purposes including drinking water ( drinking water certified by Tech waters pvt Ltd. We have a complete automated water filling system, with sensored pumps and pressure pump will give us pressured water in all taps . The capacity of stock tanks approximately 3000l litres. Stock tanks are covered with roof for safety and protection. Just installed a 3 phase solar system (Fentons) which can produce around 600 units per months also upgradable at any given time. All bathrooms are equipped with hot water gyzers.imported bathroom fittings and vanity basins , vanity tops for modern look inside bathrooms All rooms will have KING size beds with total linen supplies. It has bed side cupboards and wardrobes, fitted bed heads with cushions for comfort and convenience. Dressing tables with mirror and cable TV supply line for all rooms. Carpet roads from Colombo upto the VILLA Just 38 KM from the city( 1.5 hour’s drive) It is equipped with expensive surge and thunder protectors. Also individual surge arresters for main equipments such as gates/pumps/tv lines and many more. .1 large roller door with remote opening And a medium roller door with remote control opening installed at main gate and back gate. More than 6 vehicles can be parked inside the property. 8 way CCTV cameras installed Many canopies and awnings are fitted for elegance and SUN shade. 4 sofa sets , outdoor chairs and foldable tables and many casual chairs will be among the furnitures including the mega dinning table withs 14 chairs. 3 phase 60 amp CEB power connection with solar import export system to bring down electricity bills. Storage cupboards and many other facilities. Call me for any other details or information about the villa. Price: Rs 145 million .( negotiable)

Property Features


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