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Commercial Property for Sale in Galle Road, Rawatawatta, Moratuwa.

Rawatawatta, Moratuwa
4000 sq.ft.
Rs. 129,350,000


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
4000 sq.ft.
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 32,338

Property Details

Two Story building built in 7.5 Perches, approximately 4000 sq.ft floor area and 23 Ft long Galle Road frontage with a rear space for 20 cars for Sale in Galle Road, Rawatawatta, Moratuwa.
Both floors have AC, separate WC and 02 separate units. (Next to Cargills Supermarket)


Building – Two floors on 7.5 Perches
Land Total Extent – 19.9 Perches
Loation – In Front of Rawatawatta Petrol Shed / In Between Rawatawatta Cargills SuperMarket and Union Assurance
Boudaries – West : Galle Road / North: 15 Feet Wide Private Road
1st Floor – Fully Air Conditioned. Separate Utilities, 02 W/C, 02 Garages, Store Room & Security Room
2nd Floor – Fully Air Conditioned. Mini Auditorium with Additional 04 Units, Separate Entrance, Separate Utilities,
02 W/C, Space to Expand with More Rooms.
Car Park – The Property can accommodate maximum 20 cars.

- Ideal Commercial Building for a Medical Center, Law Office Complex, Bank, SuperMarket, Restaurant, Company HQ, International University or to Develop as a Housing Project.

Contact today with your Offer or to arrange an appointment to view this 20 Perches Property.
High Probability to Sell to the Highest Offer soon.

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