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Luxury Apartment For Sale In Rajagiriya . BR 576

Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya
1675 sq.ft.
Rs. 56,000,000
Ready to move in


Property Type
Floor area
1675 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
BR 576
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 33,433
Construction Status
Ready to move in

Property Details

Luxury Apartment For Sale In Rajagiriya . BR 576

Location :- Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya.

✓ Fourth Floor

✓ 3 Air-conditioned Bedrooms

✓ 3 Bathrooms with Hot water

✓ Spacious Living and Dinning area

✓ Pantry fitted with pantry Cupboard built in Cooker with hood and central Gas.

✓ Fully Air-conditioned

✓ Balcony with Beautiful city view

✓ Fully Equipped Gym

✓ Swimming pool and Rooftop Terrace

✓ 1675 Sq.ft

✓ Separate Allocated Vehicle Parking

✓ Back-up Generator

✓ Lift facilities, Fire protection and Secured with CCTV Camera

✓ 24 Hours Security

✓ Facing the Main Road

The Best of City With excellent connectivity of Supermarkets, Restaurants, Banks, Hospital, leading schools and lifestyle amenities. it's no wonder that this is one of the most sought-after locations in Colombo to call home.It gives you with easy access to Colombo, Kotte, Nugegoda. You'll be able to step out onto a wide expanse of greenery views, lakes and admiring the beautiful view of Diyatha Uyana. Once you've chosen which neighbourhood suits you best, bear in mind that each street here boasts its own personality. There's everything closer from apartments for retirees, busy professionals and all who appreciate city life with location as well as lifestyle amenities at hand.

BR PROPERTY AGENTS is a professional real estate agency which offers high quality services to its clients. We are an agent who gives good customer satisfaction and provides a great service by matching the clients requirements to get good properties for their need. We always give you references and ensure that your investment is safe through our expertise and knowledge.

¶ Price :- 56 Million ( Negotiable )

¶ Price mentioned is indicated by the owner Genuine buyers are welcomed and invited to make a reasonable offer after inspection.

Property Features


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Rajagiriya Road, Rajagiriya    [View on large map]

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*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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Posted/Edited: 63 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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