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Misty Mountain View, 4-Bedroom House in Hantane (SH 15010)

3862 sq.ft.
Rs. 65,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
3862 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Area of land
8.62 perches
Agent Ref
SH 15010
Available Now
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Our Reference No. SH 15010
(Please quote this reference number when inquiring)

◼️ This Split-level house offers a seamless blend of functionality and comfort across its floors. The ground floor features a welcoming sitting area, a spacious dining room, and a well-equipped kitchen with pantry cupboards. Moving to the first floor, there are two bedrooms, one with a private balcony, accompanied by two common bathrooms.

◼️ Family sitting area doubles as a cosy TV room, complemented by an office room that provides a productive space for work or study. On the second floor, two more bedrooms each come with attached bathrooms, while a large balcony offers expansive views and outdoor relaxation. Down in the basement, practical amenities include a linen room and accommodations for minor staff, ensuring every aspect of daily living is catered to with ease.

➺ Three-storey
➺ Approx. 3862 Sqft
➺ 8.62 perches
➺ 4 Bedrooms (with built-in cupboards)
➺ 2 Attached bathroom
➺ 2 Common bathroom
➺ 2 Balconies (one large and one small)
➺ Exquisite tiled floors
➺ Office Room
➺ Family Sitting Area
➺ TV Room
➺ Dining area
➺ Kitchen with pantry cupboards
➺ Basement area
➺ 1 Car Garage
➺ 2000L Overhead water tank
➺ Remote roller gate
➺ 6ft high wire mesh in the rear
➺ Garden space front and back
➺ Servant toilet
➺ Asbestos sheet roof on sawn timber framework with wooden ceiling
➺ Timber doors and timber-framed windows with glazed sashes
➺ Stairway with wooden steps
➺ SLT Direct line
➺ 3 Phase Electricity
➺ Pipe Borne water
➺ About 3.7 km to Kandy Town
➺ The property offers close proximity to Banks, Supermarkets, Petrol sheds & Hospitals

NB: The price quoted is as indicated by the owner. Genuine buyers are encouraged and invited to make reasonable offers after inspection.

We possess a large database of residential lands, apartments, commercial properties & houses in good neighbourhoods in Colombo & suburbs. Please feel free to let us know your requirements. If this property does not meet your needs, we are happy to help you choose the best.

For more information, please call the advertised number

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