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Big warehouse/16000sqft/space land/for urgent sale in Piliyandala.

16000 sq.ft.
Rs. 175,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
16000 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 10,938

Property Details

# Details of the property #
● Piliyandala
■ Big warehouse with land
》Prime Commercial Property for Sale – 62.62 Perches
▪︎▪︎ Property Highlights ▪︎▪︎
》Massive Warehouse: Nearly 16,000 SQFT, two stories with RCC floor & zinc-aluminium sheet roof.
》Architectural Design: Featuring a transparent fibre sheet roof & aluminium louvre windows.
》Convenient Access: Two large automatic roller doors at the front.
》Efficient Transport: Includes a 2000kg elevator for goods transport between floors.
》Superior Roof: Equipped with heat protective foils, gutters, and downpipes.
Additional Features:

》Separate Workers Quarters: Includes an office, kitchen, security room, four rooms, janitor's room, three toilets, and a bathroom.
》Infrastructure: Boundary wall surrounding the property, concrete parking area.
》Utilities: Three-phase electricity, water, and telephone facilities available.
Safety: Not affected by floods or soil erosion.
》Neighborhood: Good neighborhood with easy access to the 120 bus route.
》Access: 15ft wide access road, suitable for 40FT container access.
》Natural Beauty: The property boasts several mango trees and other plants.
》This commercial property is perfect for businesses seeking ample space, robust infrastructure, and a strategic location. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to elevate your operations in a prime setting.

Contact us today to schedule a viewing!
■ 175 million

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Posted/Edited: 52 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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