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2-story house with separate entrances for sale in Mount Lavinia - Hena Road

Hena Road, Mount Lavinia
TBC sq.ft.


Property Type
Floor area
TBC sq.ft.
No. of floors
Area of land
10.464 perches
Available Now

Property Details

This unique, multi-story property offers a blend of privacy and convenience, making it an excellent choice for families or those looking for a flexible living space.
This property has a separate entrance to 2nd Floor - offering added privacy and ease of access, making it suitable for multi-generational living or rental opportunities.

Property Features:

First Floor:

Two Bedrooms: Comfortable and well-sized, perfect for relaxation or use as a home office.
Living Room: A cozy space to unwind or entertain guests.
Pantry & Kitchen: Functional areas for all your culinary needs, with ample storage and workspace.
One Washroom: Neat and well-maintained, with all essential amenities.

2nd Floor:

Two Additional Bedrooms: Bright and airy, providing plenty of space for family members or guests.
Living Room: A versatile area for family gatherings or quiet relaxation.
Pantry & Kitchen: Conveniently equipped, ideal for preparing meals with ease.
One Washroom: Modern and clean, ensuring comfort for all residents.
Balcony: Perfect for enjoying fresh air, morning coffee, or evening sunsets.

3rd Floor:

Open Area: A flexible space that can be transformed into a rooftop garden, entertainment zone, or simply a peaceful retreat under the stars.

This property is a fantastic opportunity for those seeking a comfortable and versatile home. With its well-designed layout, separate entrance, and multiple living spaces, it’s perfect for extended families or those looking to generate rental income. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Property Features


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Hena Road, Mount Lavinia    [View on large map]

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Posted/Edited: 35 days ago REPORT THIS AD