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34 Perched Nawala Road Facingsqft two storied Show room Building for Sale in Main Tiles or bathroomware business

Nawala Road
9280 sq.ft.
Rs. 600,000,000  ($ 2,004,315)


Property Type
Floor area
9280 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 64,655
Car parking spaces

Property Details

34 Perched Nawala Road Facingsqft two storied Show room Building for Sale in Main Tiles or bathroom ware business hub in Nawala

Sale | Modern Building

 Luxury Showroom Complex
 Ref B-27
 Facing Nawla Main Road in a highly prominent location in Colombo
 Main Nawla road and another by road facing property
 Modern Two storied show Room or Branding Building for Tiles and Bathroomware
 Very convenient location
 Highly Public Transport Accessible Location
 Main Presages’ Business Hub in Nawala
 Total building size 9280 sqft in a 2 storied Building open plan floors
 Total land extend is 34.1 perch
 Main road frontage is over 65 feets
 In this location Can be built ground plus 11 storied
 Ladies & Gents facility on the same floor
 Centralized Air conditioned
 Fiber optic fast internet
 Bikes parking slot
 24/7 access
 24/7 security
 First class deed and legal document
 Selling price Rs. 600 Million ONO (Serious offers can be accepted)
 A-Mart Properties |

*Model office photographed for illustration purpose
Viewings can be arranged by prior appointment only.

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Principals n Genuine Buyers only
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A Mart Properties Agent
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