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Tamarind Tree View Villa: A Serene Tropical Retreat in Ambalangoda

38 sq.ft.
Rs. 55,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
38 sq.ft.
Area of land
2750 perches
Agent Ref
Available Now

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Property Details

Tamarind Tree View Villa: A Serene Tropical Retreat in Ambalangoda

Nestled atop the highest point in Ambalangoda, Tamarind Tree View Villa is the perfect sanctuary for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty. This exquisite property is just a five-minute drive from the Ambalangoda main Bus Stand and Railway Station, offering the ideal blend of convenience and peaceful seclusion.

Property Overview

Tamarind Tree View Villa is divided into two distinct yet complementary units, providing flexibility for different accommodation needs:

Unit 1: This cozy apartment is perfect for a single occupant or a couple. It features a comfortable bedroom, a modern bathroom, a welcoming living area, and a fully equipped kitchen. The unit offers 800 square feet of living space, making it an intimate and private retreat within the larger property.

Unit 2: The main house is designed for families or larger groups. It boasts four spacious bedrooms, two well-appointed bathrooms, a large kitchen, a dining area, and a generous living room. With 1,700 square feet of living space, this unit is ideal for those who value comfort and room to spread out.

Both units are fully furnished and equipped with all necessary electrical appliances, ensuring a hassle-free and comfortable stay. The villa's design allows the two units to be used separately or combined into a single expansive home, depending on your needs.

Outdoor Space:

The villa is set on approximately 38 perches of land, featuring a lush, expansive garden that offers a serene environment for relaxation. The garden is perfect for enjoying the tropical climate, whether you prefer lounging in the shade of the trees or soaking up the sun.

Additional Features:

Parking: The property includes two separate garages, providing ample space for secure parking.
Flexibility: The villa’s unique layout allows it to function as either a multi-family residence or a single large villa, making it suitable for a variety of uses, from a private home to a rental property.


Tamarind Tree View Villa’s location is one of its greatest assets. Although it is nestled in a quiet, elevated area, it remains within easy reach of Ambalangoda’s main transport hubs, including the bus stand and railway station. This makes it convenient for day trips to nearby attractions, as well as for accessing local shops, restaurants, and other amenities.

Why Choose Tamarind Tree View Villa?

This property is more than just a place to stay; it’s a lifestyle choice. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat, a family home, or an investment opportunity, Tamarind Tree View Villa offers something unique. Its combination of serene surroundings, convenient location, and versatile accommodation options makes it an exceptional choice for discerning buyers.

Address: Kaluwadumulla, Ambalangoda

Garage: 2
House size:2,750.00 sqft
Land size:38.0 perches

Expected Price : 55 M

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