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Great investment opportunity with two lovely homes on one property - LIP 020

Southern Province, Wanchawala
2000 sq.ft.
Rs. 89,700,000  ($ 300,000)


Property Type
Floor area
2000 sq.ft.
Area of land
138 perches
Available Now

Property Details

LIP-020 This 138 Perches property offers not one but two exquisite properties, each promising a unique blend of comfort.

The 1st house, spanning a plot size of 3500 sqm, offers a comfortable living space featuring 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a spacious living room, and necessary facilities such as a kitchen and an additional toilet. Outside, a charming swimming pool overlooks lush paddy fields, providing a setting for relaxation and leisure activities. The property also includes two garages and a staff house, adding extra convenience to the overall appeal of the estate.

The 2nd guest house features are set on a generous 79 perches, making it spacious. Inside of the house, you’ll find 4 bedrooms, each with its own bathroom and a small kitchen. One bedroom is especially luxurious, with a cozy bed, AC, fan, and a modern bathroom. Every room is air-conditioned and has a comfy seating area, a work desk, and a private terrace for relaxation. The living area leads to a big open space through a veranda. There’s also a large dining area with unique clay walls and a roof made of coconut leaves, giving it a traditional touch.

Outside, there’s a big swimming pool that complements the beautiful views of the nearby paddy fields.

Set amidst calm palm trees and beautiful rice fields, this property provides a peaceful getaway while still being close to major attractions.

Galle Light House is only 5.2 km away, Galle Fort is 5.3 km away, and Dutch Church Galle is 5.5 km away, and just a 10-minute drive from Unawatuna beach, all just a short drive from the property. The Galle Railway Station is 7.1 km away, and the Bandaranaike International Airport is 154 km away, making travel hassle-free.

The three-bedroom house can be used as your own home, a vacation spot, or a rental property, meeting different needs.

Similarly, the guest house offers great opportunities for hosting guests or accommodating extended family members, making it a smart investment in a sought-after location.

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Southern Province, Wanchawala    [View on large map]

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