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Luxury Villas In Gated Community for Sale - LIP 041

Southern Province, Midigama
5660 sq.ft.
Rs. 597,900,000  ($ 2,000,000)


Property Type
Floor area
5660 sq.ft.
Available Now

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This amazing property is perfectly located between Weligama Bay and the UNESCO heritage site of Galle Fort.

This property features six separate private villas, each featuring a spacious living-dining area and a private pool, designed in the open plan style typical of Sri Lankan architecture. Four villas have already been sold, leaving only two available.

Both villas are built on a floor area of 5,660 Sq.ft., totaling 7,853 Sq.ft. and 7,831 Sq.ft., respectively. Grand entrances welcome you as you step into your private home, offering clear views straight through to the ocean and horizon.

The ground floor includes an entrance court, vestibule, and two large bedrooms with private outdoor bathtubs situated on either side of the entrance. Additionally, there is a kitchen court, wet kitchen, kitchen store, service passage, two additional stores, living room, dining room, pantry, powder room, sauna, and outdoor pavilion.

The first floor features a passage leading to the third and fourth bedrooms, each with ensuite bathrooms and bathtubs, as well as two balconies. All rooms are air-conditioned. These fully furnished, turnkey villas offer breathtaking views from every angle.

This property offers a remarkable combination of luxury and comfort in its design. With direct access to renowned surfing beaches, each villa guarantees uninterrupted enjoyment of the ocean. Additionally, it features a natural rock pool, creating a safe environment suitable even for the smallest waders.

Contact us today for more details and to schedule your visit to this remarkable property.

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Southern Province, Midigama    [View on large map]

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Lanka Island Properties Agent
Barry Brown : 94-728996901
Chamith : 94-773837280

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