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House | For Sale | Talawathugoda - Reference H4422

hokandara, Thalawathugoda
2400 sq.ft.
Rs. 48,000,000


Property Type
Floor area
2400 sq.ft.
Area of land
6 perches
Agent Ref
Available Now

Property Details

Well equipped Brand new luxury house in a gated community in Thalawathugoda-Hokandara with C.O.C for Sale

20 feet wide road and a highly residential area. Gated community with a calm and quiet environment

Overall information:
• House designed by a well known reputed architect and inspection done by chartered structural engineer until entire construction was done.
• 3 story (basement + ground floor + 1st floor)
• Three sinha roller gate with covered parking for 2 vehicles. Space to park plenty of vehicles outside
• 3 bedrooms with 3 attached bathrooms
• Ground Floor: Living, Dining, Pantry, 1 bedroom with attached bathroom
• 1st Floor: Living Area, 2 bedrooms with 2 attached bathrooms. Additional storage space in 1 bedroom.
• Basement could be used as a living area or bedroom and has an additional bathroom and additional storage space.
• Separate provision kept for maids bathroom
• 10 feet rear area could be used as a garden
• 6P, 2400sqft
Sub structure: As per structural engineer’s recommendation and close monitoring.
Super structure: RCC columns, beams, slabs and masonry walls (9” brick walls). Used Tokyo super cement and Sansta (සංස්ථා) Tor steel

Fully fitted modern luxury Signature branded pantry cupboards with Signature branded pantry top with Candy branded free standing cooker (3 gas burners, 1 hot plate and electric oven) and Candy hood. Stainless steel (304) sink with drainer and swan neck tap.
• Roca branded fittings for all bathrooms with Grohe hand bidet
• Mirror and mirror light
• Hot water through geysers for all bathrooms
• Toilet paper holder and towel rail
• 13AMP additional power socket in all bathrooms to plug in shavers/hair dryers/chargers etc.
Doors and Windows:
• Main door – Engineered and treated high quality timber sash and timber frame
• Internal doors – High quality treated plywood sash and timber frame
• Windows and fan lights – High quality powder coated aluminum (Alumex brand)
• Locks – Branded locks for all doors with branded hinges
Colour scheme: Fully white as recommended by architect
Water supply:
• Connection from National Water Supply and Drainage Board, Sump (2,000 liters) and overhead storage tanks (2 x 1000 liters), total 4,000 liters
• Pressure pump and water pump installed with separate switches
• S-lon heavy duty pipes used for drainage lines and waste water lines
• Concrete septic tank
Electrical works:
• 30AMP three phase power supply
• Provision for generator
• KDK ceiling fans
• 13AMP Dimo Lumin socket outlets, switches and fan regulators
• MCB/RCCB – SIEMENS and Hagar Brand
• TV socket outlets
• Light fittings as directed by Architect (Soffit mounted only)
• Panasonic Inverter ACs for all 3 bedrooms with Wifi
• Gated community with a respectable neighborhood
• Hikvision CCTV cameras installed
• High boundary walls around house with concertina wire

House number plate made out of stainless steel and mounted to wall

Common facilities to the housing scheme:
• Gated community with 2 entrances with a calm and quiet environment. Highly residential area.
• Swimming pool with changing rooms
• Garbage collection by Municipal council

2-3 minutes drive to leading supermarkets
Banks, leading universities and schools are minutes away from the property
1-2 minutes to Arangala and Hokandara junctions
4-5 minutes to Malabe junction
5 minutes to Thalawathugoda
5 minutes drive to Athurugirya highway interchange
30 minute drive to Colombo

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us before 8 P M .Just include the property I D so we can find your file quickly. we also prefer booking appoinments, so let us know if you're interested.

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hokandara, Thalawathugoda    [View on large map]

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