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Factory for sale in Kuruwita for Rs. 105 million (Negotiable)

15000 sq.ft.
Rs. 105,000,000  ($ 431,881)


Property Type
Floor area
15000 sq.ft.
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 7,000
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Fast Growing branded Business for Sale – Kuruwita Industrial Zone

Location: Kuruwita, Rathnapura
Land Area: 200 Perches
Building Area: 15,000 Sq,ft
Price: LKR 105 Million
Industry: Mineral & Building Material Manufacturing
Products: Calcite, Dolomite, Skim Coat, Tile Adhesive, Titanium Mix for Walls & Floors, Terrazzo Mix, and more

Key Features:

High Revenue Potential: Consistent income with excellent growth and expansion opportunities.
Prime Industrial Location: Situated in the Kuruwita Industrial Zone.
Experienced Workforce: Skilled and reliable team in place.
Industrial Zoning: Ready for expansion with access to new markets and product diversification.
250 KW Owned Transformer: Ensures no power cuts within the industrial zone.
Inventory & Equipment: Available upon request.
Well-Maintained: Recently renovated and in excellent condition.

This is an ideal investment for those looking to enter or expand in the mineral and building materials industry

Main machinery and Plants
1. Dolomite grinding 4 roller mill
2. Dolomite grinfing 3 Roller mill
3. One tons batch ⁠Skim Coat/Tile adhesive ribbon mixer 3 Nos
4. ⁠Folklift 1 Nos
5. ⁠Ashok Leyland 10 wheel Bed
6. ⁠Isuzu 14.5 ft full body 2 nos
7. ⁠Wheel Loader
8. ⁠Spare parts for roller mills
9. Wall plaster machine
10. Titanium cement mixer (hopper type)

Foreign & Local Buyers Welcome

Serious inquiries only.

This is a rare opportunity to acquire a profitable factory with a strong customer base – act fast!

Property Features


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W Weerathunga Owner
W Weerathunga : 94-777005497

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Posted/Edited: 9 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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W Weerathunga Owner

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