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Spacious | Two units | House for sale @ Panadura

Hirana rd, Panadura
3000 sq.ft.
Rs. 17,500,000  ($ 57,992)


Property Type
Floor area
3000 sq.ft.
No. of floors
Area of land
10 perches
Agent Ref
PD - 185
Available Now
Car parking spaces
Furnishing Status
Age of Building
15+ years
Approach road width
20 ft.

Property Details

Spacious | Two units | House for sale @ Panadura
Land & Floor Area -
10 perches, (3000 sq,ft)
Fully tiled flooring

5 Bedrooms
Ground 3, upper 2

3 Bathrooms
Ground 1, upper 2

Family & Visitors living areas open to inner courtyard
Dining with Spacious 2 wet kitchen area

up-stairTv lobby open to front Coverd Terrace
kumbuk stairway / rear Balcony / Store space

Front , Rear & Side Medium size Garden areas
Solid wooden interior & exterior
iron grills for super security purposes
pipe born water with over head tank
fitted ceiling fans for most of the areas

Separate entrance & Electricity
Calm & Quiet peaceful area
parking space for 2 vehicles
Surrounded by well built walls with Sliding gate
20 feet wide road in front of the house

4 km to panadura city limit
5min Drive to LYCEUM primary
15min Drive to Kahatuduwa & Galanigama Highway entrance

Property Features


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Hirana rd, Panadura    [View on large map]

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*For a 20-year term with a 14% fixed interest rate, using the equated balance payment method.

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