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Prime Malabe Land: 38.85 Perches at Rs. 4 Million Per Perch – Unmissable Opportunity

Robert Gunawardena Mawatha, Malabe
Rs. 4,000,000  ($ 9,124)
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
38.85 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Shape of land

Property Details

Explore an unparalleled land opportunity in the heart of Malabe, just moments away from prestigious institutions like SAITM, SLIIT, and CINEC. Nestled on David Lane, Robert Gunawardhana Mawatha, this prime real estate promises a harmonious blend of convenience and serenity.

Location Highlights:

Approximatelymeters from the bustling Colombo - Kandy road
Walking distance to the checkpoint junction
Overlooking Chandrika Kumaratunge Mawatha car park
A mere five-minute drive to the expressway interchange

Investment Potential:

This property holds significant commercial value, making it an ideal investment for developers. Whether you envision building your dream home or exploring development opportunities, this land provides a versatile canvas of potential.

Natural Beauty:

Set against the backdrop of a picturesque paddy field, this land offers a tranquil environment with mesmerizing views, creating the perfect setting for realizing your dream home.

Property Details:

Land size: 38.85 perches
Can be divided into two separate blocks, measuring 10 perches and 28.85 perches
Negotiable price, providing flexibility for interested buyers

Don't miss the chance to seize this extraordinary land opportunity in Malabe

Property Features


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Robert Gunawardena Mawatha, Malabe    [View on large map]

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Kumari Dissanayake Owner
Kumari Dissanayake : 61-430725699
Kavishka : 94-760891323

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Posted/Edited: 165 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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