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37 Perches Superb Land Facing Paddy Field, Walking Distance to High Level Road, Pannipitiya

Mahalwarawa Road, Pannipitiya
Rs. 2,000,000
Per Perch


Property Type
Bare Land
Area of land
37 perches
Available Now
Offered for
Approach road width
12 ft.
Shape of land

Property Details

37 Perches Superb Land Facing Paddy Field, Walking Distance to High Level Road, Pannipitiya
Square shaped land
High residential area
Peaceful surrounding
Lush green environment
This property is ideal for nature lovers to build their dream home
Access road: 12ft wide private access to the property from 15 ft wide Municipal Council Road
This Council Road goes to few houses (Dead end road)

Distance to Major Locations Around the Property
• 50 meters to Mahalwarawa Road
• 350 meters to High Level Road
• 500 meters to Dharmapala College, Pannipitiya
• 1.0km to Kottawa Town
• 1.2km to Pannipitiya Private Hospital
• 2.5km to Makumbura Multi Model Transport Hub
• 3.0km to Southern Highway Kottawa Entrance
• 3.0km to Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura
• 3.2km to National Institute of Education Maharagama
• 3.5km to Louvre International College, Pannipitiya
• 5.8km to Hema’s Hospital Thalawathugoda

Asking Price: Rs. 2.0 Mn Per Perch (negotiable)

Property Features


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Mahalwarawa Road, Pannipitiya    [View on large map]

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Harshani Wijesekera Agent
Harshani Wijesekera : 94-774426443

This advertiser has been advertising with us for 13 years

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Posted/Edited: 7 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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