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Formerly occupied by French Expat, Fully-Furnished Room for Rent.

1700 sq.ft.
Rs. 35,000  ($ 120)
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
1700 sq.ft.
No. of floors
1 Months
Min. lease term
2 Months
Available Now
Car parking spaces
Advance payment
2 Months
Short term

Property Details

Fully-Furnished, AC, Hot Water, Centrally located within few minutes of Colpetty and Colombo 07.
Just 2 minute walk to Nawala Barista and Java Lounge.

This is the PERFECT place for an expat as it is located in one of the most prestigious and peaceful areas of Colombo, with all the major location of Colombo within easy access (few minutes away) such as:

1) Colombo 03 (Colpetty), Colombo 04, Colombo 05, Fort.
2) Top International schools such as British School in Colombo, Overseas school of Colombo, Elizabeth Moir School, Colombo International School, Gateway College.
3) All major hospitals of Sri Lanka - Lanka Hosptials, Asiri Hospital, Oasis.
4) Surrounded by Western Restaurants and 2 minutes away from Keells Supermarket.

You get to be just a couple of minutes away from all of the major and important locations of Colombo, yet enjoy the peaceful and serene environment of arguably one of the most livable cites in Sri Lanka for European and Western Expats (Nawala).
This room has the following shared facilities:
* Fully-Furnished with branded appliances.
* Living Room, Pantry Kitchen, Bathroom.
* A/C, Hot Water.
* Large Balcony in the front and back of the house with an amazing, helicopter view of the entire neighbourhood.

This is one of the most highly residential and upscale neighborhoods in Colombo where you can freely walk around the area even at midnight with no issues, therefore a very safe and secure location.

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