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Fully Furnished Apartment for Rent at Royal Park Condominium

1878 sq.ft.
Rs. 300,000
Per Month


Property Type
Floor area
1878 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
ZH 144
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 160 Per Month
Car parking spaces

Property Details

Apartment for Rent at Royal Park Condominium.
Sri Lanka’s first luxury condominium complex, Royal Park condominium

Royal Park; Spacious apartment, located on the 5th floor, Tower A. 4 bedroom and 3 bathroom, sitting and dining rooms, Servants room and bathroom! Fully furnished. Rent expecting LKR 300K

Located in a highly residential area in Rajagiriya . Close to Food city and hospital. Walking distance to many government and international schools and Close proximity to Restaurants, Banks and many other amenities!

large ground floor swimming pool and kiddies pool, bordered by a children’s play area, restaurant and sitting area, tennis court and jogging/ walking tracks.

The facility is also complete with all modern amenities, a well-equipped gym, sauna, squash court, table tennis court, a Cargills Express mini supermarket, salon, laundry, and an ATM just adjacent to the main entrance. In addition, the spacious apartments offer spectacular views of the Royal Colombo Golf club, the Kinda Canal Wetland which is home to remarkable birdlife, the Colombo skyline, the port and the ocean beyond, giving Royal Park a truly unique appeal.

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Khane Properties Agent
Zakir Hussain : 94-727384413

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Posted/Edited: 23 days ago REPORT THIS AD

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