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1700 SQFT 2nd Floor House type space office for Rent off Galle Road & Marine Drive Colombo-3.

Off Galle road, Colombo 3
1700 sq.ft.
Rs. 210,000
Per Month


Property Type
Office space
Floor area
1700 sq.ft.
Agent Ref
Available Now
Price per sq.ft.
Rs. 124 Per Month
Car parking spaces

Property Details

1700 SQFT 2nd Floor House type space office for Rent off Galle Road & Marine Drive Colombo-3.

OFFICE SPACE RENT | REF: RC3-69 Colombo-3 |Off Galle Road 3rd block from galle road | Main business Hub in kollupiyiya |1500 SQFT 2nd Floor- Monthly Rent Rs.210,000 all-inclusive | Each 01 dedicated Parking with 2-3 motocycles | Plenty of Extra free parking slot available | Negotiable | A Mart Properties |

Terms & Condition
1. 6 month rent as Refundable security Deposit
2. Water will be paid as usage
3. Electricity will be paid as usage

Colombo 3 - 2nd building from Galle Road and entrance from Marine Drive, 2 units available for rent either separately or together. Situated on a 50 foot wide road and very convenient place for an office in a secure location, easily accessible to public transport with Bambalapitiya railway station and fast food/restaurants in the vicinity.
One unit based on the Ground floor consist of 3 Bedrooms and attached toilets, 1 large hall, dining area, pantry, kitchen and Maid’s toilet. One car park available. Ideal for a quiet or Back-office. 1750 sq. feet.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details & pictures of this Property
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Principals n Genuine Buyers only
Strictly No Brokers!!!!

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A Mart Properties Agent
Althaf Hussain Mohamed Naufer : 94-772335599

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