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    Bare Land
    • 4
    Colombo 8
    • 14 P 
    • Bare Land
    Rs. 15M Per Perch

    Land for Sale in Colombo 08

    Shady Grove avenue, Colombo 08..

    Residential bare land for sale in Colombo 08 Located down Shady Grove avenue off Castle street in Borella, Colombo... more »

    Cultivated Land
    • 7
    • 78 acres 
    • Cultivated Land
    Rs. 3.8M Per Acre

    Estate for sale in Tangalle

    Vitharandeniya, Tangalle

    Estate for sale in Vitharandeniya, Tangalle Located at Tangalle Weeraketiya Road 3 Km to Badigama highway... more »

    Showing page 11 of 168